петък, 29 юни 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 29 June 2012

Два дни в Ню Йорк / 2 Days In New York - It's so rare to see a non-Hollywood film on our big screens, that every time this miracle happens, a party should be thrown. And when the pic is as funny and fresh as the latest Julie Delpy project, all admirers of good comedies with an European flavour should rejoice. With its low-key synopsis, lack of any familiar casts bar Chris Rock and absence of any dramatic plot turns, 2 Days In New York will definitely not meet the affections of the crowds that visit Bulgaria's cinemas (off topic - yesterday I was once again convinced that majority of the regular cinema goers here are pigs) but forms a terrific double-bill with its predecessor 2 Days In Paris. Delpy shows an experienced eye for digging the funny staff when two cultures collide and to plant in this "conflict" the seeds of more thought provoking ideas. Oh, what am I writing here, just watch it to see how French speak English. They DOESN'T. (Alexandra) ****

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Just Fine
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 29.06

Though Germany failed to go the EURO 2012 final, this week's chart (as well as the next one) is still based on sales prior to the semi-final so coincidently most of the football songs are rising high. 

Die Toten Hosen thus spend a fourth week on top, despite the competition from Linkin Park whose "Burn It Down" climbs seven to #2. The song manages to surpass the #4 peak of several of the group's hits and to become Linkin Parks most successful single in Germany. Former number one winner Loreen rounds up the top three this week with her "Euphoria".
Video - Die Toten Hosen
Video - Linkin Park

And on the rise inside the top 30 with new peaks:

#5. (up from #8) Tacabro - Tacatà
#8. (up from #10) Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers
#19. (up from #20) Usher - Scream
#23. (up from #34) Gusttavo Lima - Balada (Tchê Tcherere Tchê Tchê) 

I may be wrong but the recent changes in the chart rules concerning downloads have allowed many dance songs to enter the countdown. This week the situation is more or less the same, with the highest new entry at #25 belonging to Patrick Miller. "Dancing In London" is the first single of the Swiss musician as a solo project but we've seen him offering guest vocals to Mike Candys & Evelyn's dancefloor hits "One Night In Ibiza" and "2012 (If the World Would End)". Mike Candys even brings a new hit further down the chart. 

The second from the three new entries straight into the top 50 is also dance-orientated. Michael Mind Project needs a little introduction to the club fans in Germany, and though the duo have only one top 20 single so far, their latest "Feeling So Blue" featuring Dante Thomas can be found at #38. It is of coursed based to the #1 single of Eiffel 65 from 1999. As long as Thomas is concerned, he's having something of a renaissance lately with "Diese Tage", a song of Kris rising this week eight to #35.  
Video - Michael Mind 

Philipp Poisel owes much to the performance of his "Eiserner Steg" on The Voice Of Germany, which managed to bring the single to #4 several months after its initial release. Follow-up "Ich will nur" enters this week at #43.

And on the rise inside the top 50 with new peaks:
#29. (up from #54) Kay One feat. Shindy - Finale wir kommen
#39. (up from #51) Amy Macdonald - Slow It Down
#40. (up from #52) Triggerfinger - I Follow Rivers
#44. (up from #60) Los Colorados - I Like To Move It
#49. (up from #65) Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - One Day / Reckoning Song 

And the other new entries:

#57. DJ Fresh feat. Rita Ora - Hot Right Now
#60. Menowin - Round 'N' Round
#61. Marquess - ¡Bienvenido!
#62. Jürgen Drews - Für einen Tag
#64. Mike Candys feat. Sandra Wild - Sunshine (Fly So High)
#70. Sean Kingston feat. T.I. - Back 2 Life (Live It Up)
#90. Timati & La La Land feat. Timbaland & Grooya  - Not All About The Money
#91. Elena & Dony - Hot Girls 

The Album Chart

Die Toten Hosen reclaim the #1 slot this week as Amy Macdonald's latest album retreats to #2. The highest new entry belongs to Justin Bieber and his "Believe" at #3, thus marking the best peak of Bieber's albums in the top 100. At #4 German singer and former Voice Of Germany contestant Mic Donet enters with his debut LP "Plenty Of Love". Also new at #9 are German metalcore band Callejon and their first album "Blitzkreuz". 

четвъртък, 28 юни 2012 г.

Bulgarian Box Office Update - Weekend 22-24 June

Blame the judges but they rank at just #2
Driven by the policy to ever shrink the offer in the multiplexes, the lack of any interesting titles in Bulgarian cinemas means that Madagascar 3 stays for a third week untroubled on top of the box office chart. The movie, without the help of the Arena cinema chain, has collected BGN 458,968 so far. Next Friday only an arthouse movie is released here, so Madagascar will most certainly spends a whole month at the summit. Its reign will however end with the Ice Age 4 in a fortnight. And for the record, Ice Age 4 will be one of the four new films ! released here next month. Do the Bulgarians film distributors have to work at all in the summer?

At #2 Street Dance 2 marks a relatively okay start with BGN 33,757 for the weekend. Having in mind that it's a movie about dancing with no single familiar face in it, the box office result can be seen even as a success.

Things, however, get considerably dark at #8, where the other new proposal of the week crashes. Rock Of Ages with its BGN 8,300 for the weekend and BGN
15,349 including previews may have the honour to be the worst debut of a film by a major studio and with a wide distribution in the modern post-multiplex cinema history in Bulgaria. Even the presence of Tom Cruise couldn't help the musical to save face and deliver numbers better than some independent titles released lately. First, it was the premise that kept many to go and see it and second the many retro-rock fans in Bulgaria (and shamefully they are numerous) are too knowing to watch Hollywood messing with their favourite tunes.

You can check the rest of the chart here: Boxofficemojo

This week the top ten is left by Dark Shadows, whose BGN
176,181 can be considered as a big disappointment in view of the talent involved. It's far less than the monstrous result of Alice in Wonderland but better than Sweeney Todd. Piranha 3DD is also out but with its miserable BGN 11,074 it is not worth even mentioning. The first Piranha 3D ended its run with the better USD 27,515. Finally The Avengers also leaves the first ten, with the amazing BGN 1,153,052, which is the best result of a comic-based movie in Bulgaria and will definitely be one of the top performers of the year. Though Ice Age 4 will take the number one.

Compared to my projections, Street Dance opened almost close to my BGN 28,000 forecast, while Rock Of Ages missed my expectation of BGN 38,000 by a mile.

Next weekend's projections:
2 Days in New York - BGN 6,000

(1 BGN =  0.64 USD / EUR 0.51)

понеделник, 25 юни 2012 г.

Austrian Economic News - Week 18 - 24 Jun - Deutsche Version


Die Technologiegruppe Andritz teilte am Montag mit, dass sie eine Anleihe von bis zu EUR 350m zu begeben plant. Die Anleihe, die von der Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA) genehmigt soll sein, wird eine Laufzeit von sieben Jahren haben. 


Die Moody's hat ihre Ratings auf die Pfandbriefen der Bank Austria und Hypo Niederösterreich auf der höchsten Stufe von Aaa bestätigt.
Die TeleTrader Software plant als eine GmbH in Zukunft zu funktionieren. Die Entscheidung wird das Delisting der Firma von der Wien Börse bringen. 
Der Autozulieferer HTI High Tech Industries AG erhielt die Genehmigung der Aktionäre für die Erhöhung des Grundkapitals um bis zu EUR 22m. Die Erhöhung muss innerhalb fünf Jahren realisiert sein.


Der Büromöbelhersteller Bene teilte am Mittwoch mit, dass sein EBIT bei EUR 0.3m im ersten Quartal des Geschäftsjahr gegenüber einem Verlust von EUR 1.3m in der Vorjahresperiode lag. Der Umsatz erhöhte sich wegen der Stabilisierung der Kernmärkte um 8% auf EUR 47.8m. Die Bene rechnet mit einem positiven Ergebnis für das ganze Jahr.
Die industrielle Gruppe Frauenthal plant mit Übernahmen im einem Jahr zu wachsen. Die Firma hat EUR 80m für Akquisitionen nach dem Verkauf ihrer Katalysatorensparte. Die Frauenthal erwartet allerdings nicht dasselbe Ergebnisse für 2012 als diese für 2011.
Die UNIQA sagte, dass sie den Kauf der Minderheitsbeteiligungen der European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) an ihren Töchtern in Polen, Ungarn und Kroatien plant. Der Preis war nicht gegeben. Der Kauf wird in den nächsten Wochen realisiert sein.
Die Öl- und Gasgruppe OMV hat einige Transaktionen in Großbritannien offenbart. Die Transaktionen werden der Firma auf ihre Geschäfte westlich der Shetlandinseln zu konzentrieren helfen.  


Die Ölgruppe OMV teilte am Donnerstag mit, dass sie an einem Upstream-Joint Venture mit der deutsche Wintershall und der Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) beteiligt. Das Joint Venture wird das Potential eines Felds in Shuwaihat in der Vereinigte Arabische Emirate bewerten.
Siemens hat einen Auftrag von der Modernisierung der gekoppelten Beiztandemstraße von der Stahlgruppe Voestalpine in Linz bekommen. Das Auftragsvolumen lag im "zweistelligen Millionen-Euro-Bereich".
Der Autozulieferer HTI erwartet einen Vorsteuergewinn von etwa EUR 1m im 2012, gegenüber einem Verlust von EUR 2.3m im Jahr 2011. Der Umsatz ist mindestens auf dem 2011 Volumen von EUR 207m prognostiziert. 


Die amerikanische Tochter der Luftfahrtzulieferer Pankl hat einen neuen Auftrag von dem amerikanischen Flugzeugbauer Sikorsky Aircraft erhielten. Das Volumen der mehrjährigen Auftrag legt bei USD 20m.
Verbund, der Hauptstromversorger Österreichs, hat sein Gaskombikraftwerk in Mellach, bei Graz, am Freitag offiziell in Betrieb bringen. Das 838-MW Kraftwerk wird jährlich etwa zwei Millionen Tonnen von CO2 sparen.

Austrian Economic News - Week 18 - 24 Jun

Technology group Andritz announced on Monday evening it plans to issue a corporate bond worth up to EUR 350m. The bond, whose issue needs the approval of the Financial market authority (FMA), will have a maturity of seven years. 


Moody's kept its ratings on the covered bonds of Bank Austria and Hypo Niederösterreich at their highest level of Aaa.
TeleTrader Software plans to operate as a limited liability company or GmbH in the future. The move will result in the delisting of the firm from the Vienna Stock Exchange.
Car parts supplier HTI High Tech Industries AG received the green light by its shareholders to raise its share capital by up to EUR 22m. The increase may take place in the next five years.


Office furniture maker Bene said today it booked EBIT of EUR 0.3m for the first quarter of its fiscal year, compared with a loss of EUR 1.3m a year ago. Sales increased 8% to EUR 47.8m due to stabilisation of the company's core markets. Bene projects a positive result for fiscal 2012/13 as a whole.
Industrial group Frauenthal plans to grow via acquisitions in the next one year. The company has EUR 80m at its disposal after the recent sale of its catalyst division. Frauenthal, however, does not expect to achieve the same result in 2012 as in 2011.
UNIQA said it will buy out the minority stakes of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in its subsidiaries in Poland, Hungary and Croatia. The deal price was not revealed. The purchase will take place in the forthcoming weeks.
Oil and gas group OMV revealed several asset deals in the UK, which will allow the company to focus more on its business to the west of the Shetland area.  


Oil group OMV announced it had entered into an upstream joint venture with German Wintershall and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). The joint venture will evaluate the potential of a field in Shuwaihat, in the UAE.
Siemens has received an order for the modernization of the coupled tandem pickling line of steel maker Voestalpine in Linz. The order value stands in the two-digit million euro field.
Auto parts supplier HTI projects a pre-tax profit of about EUR 1m for 2012, compared to a loss of EUR 2.3m a year earlier. Sales are seen at least matching the 2011 level of EUR 207m.   


The US subsidiary of aviation and car parts supplier Pankl said it had received a new order from US aircraft maker Sikorsky Aircraft. The value of the multi-year order stands at USD 20m.
Verbund, Austria's leading power utility, launched officially its 838-MW combined cycle gas turbine plant in Mellach, near Graz. The plant will help the saving of two million tonnes of CO2 per year.

Hot New Playlist - Issue Date 25.06

Delilah - Inside My Love
King Charles - The Brightest Lights ft. Mumford & Sons
Misha B - Home Run
Sander van Doorn & Mayaeni - Nothing Inside
Daniel Powter - Cupid
Gossip - Move In The Right Direction
Wisin & Yandel - Follow The Leader ft. Jennifer Lopez
Bakkushan - Nur die Nacht 
DURSTLÖSCHER - Druck im Club
Usher - Lemme See ft. Rick Ross
Blake Shelton - Over
Lee Brice - Hard to Love
Driicky Graham - Snapbacks and Tattoo's
ALEX C. - Love In The Morning
Mike Candys feat. Sandra Wild - Sunshine
Usher - Scream 
Adam Lambert - Never Close Our Eyes
Cosmic Gate & J’Something – Over The Rainbow
Tomcraft – Overdose 2012 

The extended playlist: Playlist                 

Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 22.06

Die Österreichische Hitparade

1. Loreen - Euphoria (3rd week at #1)
2. Gusttavo Lima - Balada (last week at #3) 
3. Pitbull - Back In Time (last week at #2)

The new entries & other important positions :

5. Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone (up from #11)
8. Tacabro - Tacata (up from #16)
19. Medina - Forever (up from #40)
25. Oceana - Endless Summer (up from #59)
30. Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up
44. DJ Fresh ft. Rita Ora - Hot Right Now (neu) *
50. Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness (neu) *
58. Nero - Promises (neu)
61. Ivy Quainoo - You Got Me (neu)
63. Justin Bieber ft. Big Sean - As Long As You Love Me (neu) *
66. Adam Lambert - Never Close Our Eyes (neu) *
69. Jennifer Lopez ft. Flo Rida - Goin' in (neu) *
71. Elena & Dony - Hot Girls (neu) *

* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 22.06

The EURO 2012 is slowly heading to its peak, so it's no surprising to see Die Toten Hosen's "Tage wie diese" returning to the top spot for a third non-consecutive week. This means that Loreen's "Euphoria" is down to #2 after two weeks as number one. The top three is rounded by Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe", which by the looks of it will not add Germany to the list of countries where it topped the singles countdowns.
Video - Die Toten Hosen

And on the rise inside the top 20 with new peaks:

4. (up from 15) Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone
5. (up from 13) Oceana - Endless Summer
8. (up from 11) Tacabro - Tacatà
9. (up from 10) Linkin Park - Burn It Down
14. (up from 34) Guru Josh - Infinity 2012
16. (up from 50) Justin Bieber - Boyfriend
20. (up from 27) Usher - Scream 

This leaves us to the highest new entries this week. Chris Brown brings his seventh top 30 single as "Don't Wake Me Up" makes an early and good debut at #28. At the same time Ivy Quainoo follows her #2 single "Do You Like What You See" with "You Got Me" at #31, which is not a good sign for any future hit career for the casting star.
Video - Chris Brown

Inside the top 50, we should not omit the steady rise of Gusttavo Lima's "Balada", which in its sophomore week soars 26 positions to #34. Coldplay & Rihanna are also climbing as "Princess Of China" is up seven to #41.
Video - Gusttavo

Further down the list, we can find several football-related new entries as well as some songs probably benefiting from the new download rules:
54. Kay One feat. Shindy - Finale wir kommen
58. Wilde Flamme - 1000 Meilen, 1000 Worte
67. Nero - Promises
83. Ed Sheeran - Lego House
90. Jay-Z & Kanye West - **** In Paris
93. Matze Knop feat. Waldi Hartmann - Die Besten in Europa 

The Album Chart

The reign of Die Toten Hosen is put to an end this week as Amy Macdonald's brings her album "Life In A Beautiful Light" straight to #1, proving that she continues deservingly to be loved in Germany. This is Amy's second number one album in the country. There are also new entries by Adya's "Classic 2" at #4, Usher's "Looking 4 Myself" at #8 and Silla's "Wiederbelebt" at #10.

петък, 22 юни 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 22 June 2012

Рок завинаги / Rock Of Ages - Whatever way you look at it, Rock Of Ages is a strange beast of a movie. First, if the idea of listening to cheesy rock classics from the 80s gives you shivers in the night, you'd better skip it. Oh, and Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" is so Glee nowadays. Second, Rock Of Ages (just like Burlesque before it) delivers one of the most cliche-driven love stories caught on celluloid lately and worse makes the mistake to forsake any interesting choreography to catch the eye. Nevertheless, the film has its saving points. First, if these songs were the soundtrack of your youth, this is a pic destined for you. In addition, you'll get Tom Cruise on top form, having the time of his life as (insane-in-the-main-brain) rocker Stacee Jaxx. Just like in Tropic Thunder, his character steals the entire movie. Unfortunately though a seperate film focused on his rise to fame would probably never come. (Alexandra) ***

Улични танци 2 / Street Dance 2 - In the week of the music movies, the second proposal comes (also) hampered by cliches and with acting as wooden as 30 Kristen Stewarts stuffed in a single room. But let's be honest, if you are not stuck at home watching the football games and decide to go and see this British pic, your motives would be the dancing and the 3D. And though not unforgettable, Street Dance 2 brings some greatly choreographed numbers, while the 3D is crispy striking. Put on your dancing shoes now! (Forum Film) ** 

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Just Fine
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away

четвъртък, 21 юни 2012 г.

Bulgarian Box Office Update - Weekend 15-17 June

Sorry man, no fish here
This week's box office results come to show for yet another time that 1. independent small non-Hollywood movies and 2. horror titles are not preferred by the local pretentious audience. Thus Salmon Fishing in The Yemen bombs with BGN 10,374 at #7, while Piranha 3DD tanks with the miserable BGN 4,472 at #9. Oh, and I guess this audience deserves to be served with only the biggest Hollywood movies, while everything else though often superior should skip our country.

So, the lack of choices means that all major players from the last few weeks display stable results. Thus, Madagascar 3 continues to lead the parade despite not being played in the Arena cinemas.

This week's top 10 in full:

Change w/w
Result for the weekend (in BGN)
Total result
(in BGN)
Madagascar 3
78,865 345,946
Snow White
Men In Black 3
The Dictator
What To Expect...
Salmon Fishing new
Piranha 3DD
Dark Shadows

This week the top ten is left by Rio, which last week re-entered the chart because of its screenings in Arena (instead of Madagascar 3!) and by Pirates!, which with above BGN 305,000
shows that there is always an audience for animated movies in 3D regardless of their tone.

Compared to my projections, both Salmon Fishing and Piranha 3DD missed my BGN 27,000 and BGN 17,000 forecasts.

Next weekend's projections:

Street Dance 2 - BGN 28,000
Rock of Ages - BGN 38,000, including previews 

(1 BGN =  0.64 USD / EUR 0.51) 

вторник, 19 юни 2012 г.

Austrian Economic News - Week 11 -17 Jun - Deutsche Version


Der österreichische Baukonzern Strabag teilte am Montag mit, dass er einen Auftrag von USD 43.2m für die Renovierung einer Straße in Moldawien erhalten hat. Das Projekt dauert 24 Monaten.
Die Austrian Airlines (AUA) wird weitere Flüge zu ihrer Mutter Lufthansa, Schwesterfirma Swiss und auch zu den Augsburg Airways und Welcome Air übertragen. Die Entscheidung kam nach zirka 120 Piloten der AUA verlassen haben.
Der Versicherer Uniqa sagte, dass er bevor der Veräußerung seines Hotelportfolios steht. Dadurch plant die Uniqa auf ihr Hauptgeschäft zu konzentrieren.


Das Flughafen Wien teilte am Dienstag mit, dass es 1.99m Passagieren im Mai 2012 gedient hat - ein Aufstieg von 4.2% gegenüber Mai 2011. Seit dem Start des Jahres hat das Flughafen, das sein neuestens Terminal Check-in 3 letzte Woche geöffnete, 8.36m Passagier abgefertigt - ein Wachstum von 8.1%.
Die Austrian Airlines (AUA) sagte, dass sie 4.375m Passagiere zwischen Jänner und Mai transportiert hat - ein Aufstieg von 7.9% gegenüber der Vorjahresperiode. Die Auslastung erhöhte sich um 3.3% Prozentpunkte auf 73%. Die Zahl der abgefertigten Passagieren stieg um 1% auf 1.036m im Mai.


Der Immobilienentwickler Immofinanz plant eine Anleihe von bis zu EUR 75m zu begeben. Die Anleihe wird voraussichtlich einen Kupon von 5.25% und Laufzeit von fünf Jahren haben.
Die Bank Austria hat ihre denkmalgeschützte Zentrale am Schottenring in der Wien Innenstadt zu veräußern entschiedet. Der Verkauf ist bis dem Ende des Jahres erwartet. Die Bank plant allerdings das Gebäude bis 2016/17 weiter zu nützen.
Das Flughafen Wien sagte am Mittwoch, dass es Insolvenzverfahren gegen Artifacts, Saveria und Striberny - die Firmen von Geschäftsmann Rakesh Sardana die Shops am Flughafen operieren, beantragt. Das Flughafen redet von "maßgeblichen Zahlungsrückständen" bei den Firmen.
Der Immobilienentwickler Conwert hat eine Anleihe von EUR 65m erfolgreich platziert. Die Fünfjahreanleihe hat einen Kupon von 5.75%.
Nach einem neuen Syndikatsvertrag zwischen Knünz GmbH und Pierer GmbH soll ihre Cross Motorsport Systems einen Pflichtangebot für die Pankl Racing Systems machen. Der Angebot ist auf EUR 18.03 je Aktie erwartet.


Nach einem neuen Syndikatsvertrag zwischen den Miteigentümern der Cross Industries soll die Cross einen Pflichtangebot für den Motorradproduzent KTM verkündigen. Voraussichtlich steht der Angebot auf EUR 44 je Aktie.
Die jährliche Teuerungsrate Österreichs nahm auf 2.1% im Mai von 2.3% im April ab und damit erreicht das niedrigsten Niveau seit November 2010. Das Euro-zone harmonisierte Preisindex lag bei 2.3% im Mai.
Die Volksbank International (VBI), eine Tochter der russischen Sberbank seit Mitte-Februar, hat das Jahr 2011 mit einem Verlust von EUR 160.4m beendet, gegenüber EUR 15.1m als Gewinn für 2010. Die Bank, eine ehemalige Tochter der OeVAG, war von Abschreibungen von EUR 158.6m belastet.
Der Immobilienentwickler Immofinanz hat das Volumen seiner geplanten Anleihe auf EUR 100m fixiert. Die Anleihe tragt einen Kupon von 5.25%. 


Der mexikanische Milliardär Carlos Slim hat eine Minderheitsbeiteilung an der Telekom Austria gesichert, teilte die Telekom am Freitag mit. Derzeit hat Slim, über seine America Movil, 6.75% am Telekommunikationsanbieter. über die Immobiliaria Carso kontrolliert Slim 3.14% an der Telekom. Der Geschäftsmann hat allerdings über den Kauf der Anteile Ronny Peciks vereinbart und damit wird er seine Beiteilung auf bis 25.9% erhöhen. Der Staatsholding OeIAG, der 28.4% an der Telekom hat, hat den Eintritt Slims begrüßt.

Austrian Economic News - Week 11 -17 Jun


Austrian builder Strabag said on Monday it had received a USD 43.2m order for road rehabilitation in Moldova. The project will run for 24 months.
Austrian Airlines (AUA) will transfer further flights to its parent Lufthansa, sister firm Swiss as well as to Augsburg Airways and Welcome Air. The move became necessary after 120 pilots left the company after the implemented change of the pay conditions.
Austrian insurer Uniqa announced that it is before the divestment of its hotel portfolio. Via the decision Uniqa plans to focus on its core business.


Vienna Airport announced on Tuesday it serviced 1.99m passengers in May 2012, up 4.2% on year. Since the start of the year, the airport, which recently opened its Check-in 3 terminal, has handled 8.36m passengers, an increase of 8.1%.
Austrian Airlines (AUA) said it carried 4.375m passengers in January to May 2012, a rise of 7.9% in annual terms. Occupancy rate improved 3.3% percentage points to 73%. The number of passengers in May inched up 1% to 1.036m.


Real estate developer Immofinanz plans to issue a bond worth up to EUR 75m. The bond is expected to bear a coupon of 5.25% and have a maturity of five years.
Bank Austria has decided to divest of its heritage-protected headquarters on the Schottenring in Vienna's downtown. The deal is expected to take place by the end of the year. The bank, however, will continue to use the building until 2016/17.
Vienna Airport said that it had opened insolvency proceedings against Artifacts, Saveria and Striberny, companies owned by Rakesh Sardana, which run stores at the airport. Vienna Airport spoke for "significant payment arrears" on behalf of the firms.
Real estate developer Conwert has successfully issued a bond worth EUR 65m. The five-year bond bears a coupon of 5.75%.
Following a new syndicate contract between Knünz GmbH and Pierer GmbH, their joint vehicle Cross Motorsport Systems has to file a compulsory takeover bid for Pankl Racing Systems. The offer is expected to stand at EUR 18.03 apiece.


Cross Industries has to file a mandatory takeover offer for motorcycle producer KTM after the signing of a new syndicated contract between Stefan Pierer and Rudolf Knünz, the owners of Cross. The offer price is seen at EUR 44 per share.
Austrian annual inflation rate decreased to 2.1% in May from 2.3% in April and thus reached its lowest level since November 2010. The euro-zone consumer price index was assessed at 2.3%.
Volksbank International (VBI), bought by Russian Sberbank in mid-February, had ended 2011 with a loss of EUR 160.4m, compared to EUR 15.1m in profit for 2010. The bank, a former subsidiary of OeVAG, was burdened by write-downs for EUR 158.6m.
Real estate developer Immofinanz has fixed the volume of its planned corporate bond at EUR 100m, with an interest rate of 5.25%. 


Mexico's billionaire Carlos Slim has secured a minority stake in Telekom Austria, the company announced on Friday. Presently Slim, via his America Movil, controls 6.75% in the telecommunications provider, while he has 3.14% via Immobiliaria Carso. The businessman has however agreed with Austrian investor Ronny Pecik to take the latter's stake in TA and thus to boost his shareholding to 25.9%. State holding ÖIAG, which owns 28.4% in the firm, has welcomed the entry of Slim.

Hot New Playlist - Issue Date 18.06

Maximo Park - Write This Down
Katy Perry - Wide Awake
Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up
The Gaslight Anthem - "45"
Florence + The Machine - Spectrum
Nas - The Don 
The Vaccines - No Hope
The Hives - Go Right Ahead
Marquess - Bienvenido
Mika - Make You Happy
Kay One feat. Shindy - Finale wir kommen
Gusttavo Lima - Balada (Tchê tcherere tchê tchê)
Fun. - Some Nights     
Little Big Town - Pontoon
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
Imagine Dragons - It's Time
Avicii - Silhouettes
GURU JOSH - Infinity 2012 
Los Colorados - I Like To Move It    

The extended playlist: Playlist   

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 15.06

This week we have the first chart under the adopted new rule concerning downloads in Germany. So now every song which is available for download can enter the top 100 without the need for the record companies to register the title in advance. Still, the companies are able to register any title they want for exclusion from the top 100. Seeing the countdown this week, and even in the past few ones, however, shows that now many songs will finally have the chance to appear inside it for the first time.

Back to the singles chart, it's a second week for Loreen on top with her Eurovision winner "Euphoria". Down the top ten, Linkin Park's "Burn It Down" benefits from a video and the use during the broadcast of EURO 2012 and soars ten positions to peak at #10. The football championship in Poland and Ukraine is also responsible for Oceana's "Endless Summer" rising to #13 from #38. The song is actually the anthem of the tournament and marks the biggest hit of the German singer after "Cry Cry" reached just #52.
Loreen - Live

The highest new entry can be found at #11 belonging to Italian duo Tacabro and their summer smash "Tacatà".

Following the #2 peak of "Moves Like Jagger", US band Maroon 5 are back on form with their "Payphone" appearing at #15. It's the fifth top 20 single of the boys in Germany.

At #21 Medina's latest single "Forever" is slowly turning into a successful song for the Danish singer after going up 27 places. It's now her second best performing single after debut "You & I" peaked at #10.

Though "Climax" did not enter the Top 100 (perhaps the old rules forbade it), Usher's latest "Scream" enters successfully at #27. It's his 16th top 30 single in the country, which is quite a steady record.

"Morgen", which arrives at #29, is the debut single of Chima, a German musician with Nigerian origins, while the latest version of Guru Josh's "Infinity" storms the countdown this week at #34. And all signs show that it's gonna be as huge as the 2008 version.
Video - Guru Josh

Ole ohne Kohle, with real name Falko Ochsenknecht, is a German schlager singer whose "Ich bin kein Model und kein Superstar" (at #38) is his first foray in the singles countdown.

Also on the rise we can see Coldplay & Rihanna's amazing "Princess Of China", which shoots itself inside the top 50 at #48 from #96.

And the remaining new entries:
60. Gusttavo Lima - Balada (Tchê Tcherere Tchê Tchê) - Following the ultrasuccess in Austria and Switzerland, is this the new Michel Telo?

65. Florence + The Machine - Breath Of Life - A third single for Florence in Germany.

67. Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Let's Go - It's not as nearly successful as his Rihanna's team-up but it's still good to see Calvin in the top 100.

70. Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - One Day / Reckoning Song - A first entry for the Israeli rock musician Asaf in Germany.

85. Kid Cudi feat. MGMT & Ratatat - Delayed but a welcome new entry for a great party track.

90. Queensberry - Timeless - The girl band has seen better times before

91. Avicii - Silhouettes - The follow-up to the amazing "Levels" starts low, for now.

94. Los Colorados - I Like To Move It - This remake of the Reel 2 Real 90s smash is performed by an Ukrainian band and is promoted as an official ZDF football hit this summer.

99. Roger Cicero - Für nichts auf dieser Welt - It's once again football involved.

The Album Chart

Die Toten Hosen continue to rule the album chart, while there are new arrivals in the top ten from Kreator's "Phantom Antichrist" at #5, Medina's "Forever" at #8, Gotthard's "Firebirth" at #9 and Sucuk & Champagner's "Summer Cem" at #10.

неделя, 17 юни 2012 г.

Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 15.06

Die Österreichische Hitparade
1. Loreen - Euphoria (2nd week at #1)
2. Pitbull - Back In Time (last week at #2)
3. Gusttavo Lima - Balada (last week at #3) 
The new entries & other important positions :
10. Guru Josh - Infinity 2012 (up from #17)
13. Linkin Park - Burn It Down (up from #27)
16. Tacabro - Tacata (neu)
25. Coldplay & Rihanna - Princess Of China (neu)
54. Ole ohne Kohle - Ich bin kein Model und kein Superstar (neu)
59. Oceana - Endless Summer (neu)
64. Florence + The Machine - Breath of Life (neu)
67. Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - All Around The World (neu) *
74. Kid Cudi feat. MGMT & Ratatat - Pursuit Of Happiness (neu) 

* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

събота, 16 юни 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 15 June 2012

Риболов в пустинята / Salmon Fishing in the Yemen - The latest pic of director Lasse Hallström starts confidently, sparkling with British charm and stable acting and chemistry from Ewan McGregor and Emily Blunt. Even more, the scenes with Kristin Scott Thomas manage to elevate the film to a completely different level. She needs to do more British films and to take roles as that of Patricia Maxwell. All is however let down by the second part of the movie, when the viewers are transported to Yemen to witness lazy plot development, a redundant subplot involving terrorists and an avalanche of cliches. Worst the director decides to remove all quirkiness from the start and to replace it with an extreme dose of sugar. This salmon serving however just needs an extra pinch of salt. (Forum Film) ** 1/2

Пираня 3DD / Piranha 3DD - There was no advanced screening for this one but I'm sure that fans of gore and topless chicks will devour it. (Forum Film)

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Just Fine
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away

сряда, 13 юни 2012 г.

Bulgarian Box Office Update - Weekend 8-10 June

Who'd not like to watch a zebra do the two-feet number?
The arrival of Madagascar 3 on top of the box office this week comes to show several interesting things. First, Bulgarians do love animated movies in 3D, especially the ones coming from Dreamworks, which rely more on gags than on story, and second it doesn't need the participation of the cinema chain with the biggest market presence for a movie to turn into a hit. Yes, for reason unknown (it's always money involved) Madagascar 3 was not screened in the multiplexes of Arena, which didn't stop it to take BGN 92,722 for the weekend and BGN 201,743 including previews from just 13 screens. It's the best performance of a cartoon movie since Puss In Boots stormed the cinemas at the end of 2011. 

Thus, the other new heavyweight proposal - Snow White And The Huntsman has to satisfy itself with the runner-up slot. In view of the competition and the absence of the 3D effect, the fantasy flick draws the okay BGN 72,082. It's quite better than the disastrous debut of Mirror Mirror (BGN 16,424) but the fact that Snow White And The Huntsman is the second Snow White of the year and boasts no familiar to the mass audience faces has also curbed its chances for a spectacular new entry.

This week's top 10 in full:
Change w/w
Result for the weekend (in BGN)
Total result
(in BGN)
Madagascar 3
92,722 201,743
Snow White
Men In Black 3
The Dictator
What To Expect...
Avengers -76%
Dark Shadows

This week the top ten is left by Chernobyl Diaries, which didn't manage to escape the curse of the horror genre here and has made just BGN 36,424 so far. It may be a huge hit in Serbia but as Bulgarians are above gay themed (extremely funny) comedies, Parada has attracted the poor BGN 39,348. At the same time, proving once again that Jason Statham is the man who all Bulgarians love, his latest Safe is going out of the top ten with the excellent BGN 287,584. I'm sure our prime minister (The Sun itself) will approve that...

Compared to my predictions Madagascar 3 reached my forecast of BGN 190,000, though when I made it I didn't take into account the fact that it wouldn't be played in Arena. At the same time, Snow White was also close to my BGN 82,000 prediction

Next weekend's forecasts:

Salmon Fishing in The Yemen - BGN 27,000
Piranha 3DD - BGN 17,000

(1 BGN =  0.64 USD / EUR 0.51)