сряда, 31 август 2011 г.

Bulgarian Boxoffice Update - Weekend 26-28 August

That attitude was never going to get him to the top
Justifying my prediction from last week that the smurfs are an extremely popular brand in Bulgaria, the movie with the same name keeps the number one slot at the boxoffice for a second consecutive week with a fall of just 32%. The adventures of the blue boys and a single gal have made 88,109 over the weekend and the healthy, Gargamel untouched, 368,394 so far. 

The Smurfs even managed to resist its biggest competition in the face of Conan The Barbarian, which arrives at #2 with the slightly lower 86,905. It's a surprisingly underwhelming result as Bulgarians seem to like such (shitty) action movies and as the film was entirely shot here, the publicity around it was pushed to the maximum. Oh, and even the presence of "everyone's favourite" BG politicians, with a zero contribution to the Bulgarian cultural life (comic books not included), at the glamorous premiere didn't help...

At #3 Horrible Bosses shows little signs for slowing down and retreats by mere 34% in its second week, which is enough for 146,564 in total so far. It looks that the future before this one will be far from horrible...

The same could not be said for the second new arrival - Change-Up. Its similarities with the Bosses are more than one but it struggles to find its audience with 16,084 over the weekend and 25,102, including previews. It doesn't help that as a Universal title it is screened in only one of the two cinema chains in Bulgaria (yes, they are only two!). Fingers crossed that the poor results will not (again) stop other Universal titles from coming to Bulgaria.

The rest of the top ten looks as follows:

5. Cowboys and Aliens, a drop of 48%, 172,964 so far
6. Apes, a drop of 36%, 220,806 so far
7. Friends with Benefits, a drop of 25%, 258,257 so far
8. Harry Potter 7B, a drop of 9%, 768,895 so far
9. Fright Night (it's fun!), a drop of 52%, 44,874 so far
10. Captain America, a drop of 47%, 323,752 so far

Two films go out of the top ten this week - Cars 2 has made 678,629 in its run so far and is still not slowing down, while Transformers 3 has earned the excellent 1,079,601, which I think is enough to be one of the most profitable Paramount titles on these shores ever.

Compared to my projections, both Conan and Change-Up missed by a mile my respective forecasts of 140,000 and 60,000. Oh, what I was thinking back then...

Next weekend's projections:

Colombiana: 20,000
Shark Night 3D: 7,000
Green Lantern 3D: 55,000  

(the used currency is Bulgarian lev, 1 lev is equal to 0.51 euros and 0.74 dollars)

Only the latest videos - 29.08

With the end of the summer holidays, the A-star material is increasing progressively so this week we have new videos by Leona Lewis (amazing), James Morrisson, Rihanna, Beyonce as well the future German number one and a few German acts for a good measure. The video of Bad Meets Evil's "Lighters" has also arrived...

Austria's top economic news - Week 22-28 August - Die Deutsche Version

(unless otherwise stated, all currencies are in EUR and comparisons are on a yearly basis)


Die österreichische Pankl Racing Systems AG sagte am Montag, dass ihr Nettogewinn um 2% auf 2.9m im ersten Halbjahr 2011 gestiegen ist, während das EBIT um 59% auf 4.8m geklettert hat. Der Umsatz der Firma erhöhte sich um 15% auf 54.9m. Die Ergebnisse waren von der ausgezeichneten Entwicklung der Rennsportsegment getrieben. Die Pankl rechnet immer noch mit einem Umsatzaufstieg von zwischen 5% und 10% für das ganze Jahr.
Der Mauttechnologiespezialist Kapsch TrafficCom veröffentlichte einen Umsatzaufstieg von 103% auf 134.7m im ersten Quartal 2011/12. Das EBIT nahm auf 22.2m von 4.8m zu und der Periodenüberschuss erhöhte sich auf 13.9m von 4.5m. Die Finanzergebnisse waren positiv von Projektentwicklungen und dem Ausbau des amerikanischen Geschäfts beeinflusst. Für den Rest des Jahres erwartet man eine erfolgreiche Entwicklung bei den aktuellen Projekten und auch Gewinnen von neuen Aufträge.
Die Austrian Airlines (AUA) hat mit einem operativen Verlust von 63m die erste zwei Quartalen des Jahres beendet und damit wird die Firma ihres Ziel von einem positiven EBIT im ganzen Jahre nicht treffen, sagte Aufsichtsradchef Stefan Lauer zu der APA Nachtrichtagentur am Montag. Laut Lauer, wird der deutsche AUA Eigentümer Lufthansa die Langstrecken der AUA nicht einstellen. 


Der Faserhersteller Lenzing sagte am Dienstag, dass sein Umsatz um 31% auf 1.076bn in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres wegen höherer Preise und Konsolidierungseffekte gestiegen ist. Das EBIT erhöhte sich auf 199.2m von 108m, während der Nettogewinn auf 145.3m von 77.1m zunahm. Die Firma rechnet mit einen Umsatz von zwischen 2.1bn und 2.2bn und EBITDA von zwischen 470m und 500m für das ganze 2011. Der Lenzing meldete auch, dass das Unternehmen in ATX, das führende Index der Wiener Börse, in September einsteigen will.
Die Immobiliengesellschaft ECO Business, eine Tochter der Conwert, teilte mit, dass sie einen Verlust von 3m im ersten Halbjahr 2011 verbucht, gegenüber einem Gewinn von 9.6m im Vorjahr. Das Ergebnis war von Abschreibungen von 7m belastet. Die Mieterlöse sank auf 23.2m von 28m. Die Firma hat auf Redimensionierungen und Optimierungen in dem ersten Halbjahr fokussiert.
Laut Medienreports hat Julian Wagner, der Vorstandschef des Feuerwehrfahrzeugherstellers Rosenbauer, mit Mitbewerbern getroffen über illegales Preisfixing zu sprechen. Die Firma hat die Sprachen bestätigt aber sie sagte, dass das Treffen nur mit Marktanteilen zu tun hätte. 


Die SW Umwelttechnik sagte am Mittwoch, dass sie ihren operativen Verlust von 2.1m auf 1.7m im ersten Halbjahr reduziert hat. Der Umsatz sank um 7% auf 27.8m in der Periode und war von Problemen in Ungarn belastet. Die Firma behielt ihre Erwartungen für eine Erholung der operativen Ergebnissen im ganzen Jahr.
Der Industrieholding Frauenthal teilte mit, dass sein Umsatz um 15.1% auf 287.5m in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres gestiegen ist, während das Ebit sich um 75.9% auf 10.2m erhöhte. Die Automotive Components Sparte profitierte von der Erholung des Automobilsektors und die Firma rechnet mit kräftiger Nachfrage im dritten Quartal.
Die Hirsch Maschinenbau, eine Tochter der Anlagebaugruppe Hirsch Servo, meldete einen Auftrag in Millionenhöhe in Ghana.
Die IT-Gruppe Beko Holding AG veröffentlichte einen Überschuss von 1.2m für die erste neun Monaten des Fiskaljahres, gegenüber einen Verlust von 720,000 vor einem Jahr. Die Erlöse stiegen um 17% auf 41m. Die Firma teilte mit, dass sie von ihrer vereinfachenden Struktur profitiert hat.
Die UBM Realitätenentwicklung, eine Tochter der Porr, meldete ein Ebit von 14.2m im 1 Halbjahr - ein Aufstieg von 7%. Die Erlöse sanken allerdings um 7% auf 50.45m. Das Unternehmen plant auf Wohnbau in Deutschland und Fachmärkte in Polen fokussieren.


Die Raiffeisen Bank International sagte am Donnerstag, dass sie eine Kapitalerhöhung in den nächsten 12 Monaten überlegen. Die Bank gab auch bekannt, dass ihr Konzerngewinn um 30.3% auf 615m im 1. Halbjahr stieg. Der operative Gewinn sank um 2.2% auf 1.23bn. Die RBI meldete, dass ihr Engagement in den europäischen Schuldenreichen Ländern auf 3.622bn zum Ende Juli lag. Das Engagement der Bank in Italien war das höchste, oder 2.26bn.
Der Energieversorger EVN veröffentlichte einen Überschuss von 207.2m für die erste drei Quartalen des Fiskaljahres, ein Aufstieg von 1.2%. Die Erlöse gaben um 0.9% auf 2.16bn nach. Die Firma behielt ihre Erwartungen für einen 2011 stabilen operativen Gewinn und einen Nettogewinn niedriger als in 2010. Der EVN plant auch bis zu 800m in erneuerbaren Energie bis 2012 zu investieren.
Die Immobiliengesellschaft CA Immo meldete, dass ihr Nettogewinn von 5m auf 21.1m im ersten Halbjahr erhöhte. Die Mieterlöse nahmen von 82.7m von 127.5m zu. Die Ergebnissen waren von der Konsolidierung der Europolis getragen. Das Unternehmen sagte auch, dass es zuversichtlich ist, dass sein Ziel von zwischen 300m und 350m bei Verkäufe in 2011 erreichbar ist.
Die Österreichischen Volksbanken AG (ÖVAG) teilte mit, dass sie von Abschreibungen von 24m auf griechischen Staatsanleihen belastet ist. Das Konzernergebnis der Bank sank auf 0.5m in den ersten zwei Quartalen des Jahres von 14.6m in der Vorjahresperiode. Bis zum Ende 2011 plant OeVAG ihre osteuropäische Tochter VBI und ihre Anteile an der Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB) zu veräußern. Belastet von Abschreibungen und anderen einmaligen Aufwänden wird die Bank sein Ziel von 100m beim Gewinn für die Gruppe in 2011 nicht erreichen.
Das Flughafen Wien sagte, dass sein Nettogewinn von 19.2m auf 23.5m in dem zweiten Quartal des Jahres stieg. Die Firma entschied ihre Partizipation am Flughafen Friedrichshafen im zweiten Quartal abzuschreiben.


Julian Wagner, der Vorstandschef des Feuerwehrfahrzeugherstellers Rosenbauer, gibt sein Mandat per Ende September auf. Ihm wird Dieter Siegel an der Spitze der Firma nachfolgen. Wagner, der Manager der Rosenbauer für 43 Jahres war, war zuletzt in Medienreports als beschuldigt gefunden, dass er in illegalen Sprachen über Preisfixing teilgenommen hat.
Die Staatsanwälte in Korneuburg stellten die Verfahren gegen Ernest Gabmann, der Vorstandschef des Flughafen Wien, und Geschäftsmann Rakesh Sardana wegen Untreue ein. Die Staatsanwälte fanden keine Beweise die die Fortsetzung der Verfahren, die nach einem anonymen Signal und einem Medienreport gestartet waren, zu begründen.
Der Kranhersteller Palfinger meldete, dass er die Übernahme der russischen Mitbewerber INMAN abgeschlossen hat. Keine Finanzdetails waren bekanntgemacht.
Gleichzeitig setzte die Saga mit den Korruptionsverdachten bei der Telekom Austria fort. Die Affäre wird immer mehr kompliziert und ich habe keine Zeit die Details zu erläutern. Es ist genug, dass ich ein Kunde der Bulgarischen Tochter der Firma bin...

Austria's top economic news - Week 22-28 August

(unless otherwise stated, all currencies are in EUR and comparisons are on a yearly basis)

Pankl Racing Systems AG said Monday its net profit rose 2% to 2.9m in the first half of 2011, while the EBIT grew 59% to 4.8m. The company's sales grew 15% to 54.9m. The performance was boosted by the excellent development of the car racing sector. Pankl said it continued to expect an increase of between 5% and 10% in sales for full 2011.
Toll technology specialist Kapsch TrafficCom said its sales rose 103% to 134.7m in the first quarter of its fiscal year. The EBIT soared to 22.2m from 4.8m a year earlier and net profit jumped to 13.9m from 4.5m. The results were influenced positively by project advancements and the expansion via acquisitions of the US business. For the rest of 2011/12 the company hopes to successfully develop its ongoing projects as well as to win new ones.
Austrian Airlines (AUA) closed the first half of 2011 with an operating loss of 63m and would be not able to achieve its target for a profit for 2011, supervisory board head Stefan Lauer told Austria's APA news agency. According to him, Lufthansa, the German parent of AUA, will however not cancel the long-haul destinations of the national air carrier.


Fibre producer Lenzing said its sales grew 31% to 1.076bn in the first half of the year, due to considerably higher fibre prices and consolidation effects. EBIT soared to 199.2m from 108m, while net profit grew to 145.3m from 77.1m. The company projects sales of between 2.1bn and 2.2bn and EBITDA of between 470m and 500m for full 2011. Lenzing further said it would aim to join the ATX leading index of the Vienna Stock Exchange in September.
Real estate company ECO Business, part of Conwert, said it slipped to a net loss of 3m in the first half of 2011, from a profit of 9.6m a year earlier due to write downs of 7m. The rental income fell to 23.2m from 28m. The firm focused on re-dimension and optimisation measures in the period.
Julian Wagner, CEO of Austrian fire fighting vehicle maker Rosenbauer, reportedly has personally met with competitors to discuss illegal price arrangements, Die Welt wrote. The company has confirmed the meetings but said that they concerned only talks over market shares.


SW Umwelttechnik said it had reduced its operating loss to 1.7m in the first half of 2011 from 2.1m a year earlier. Sales fell 7% to 27.8m for the period burdened by problems in Hungary. The company retained its forecast for improvement in operating earnings for 2011.
Industrial holding Frauenthal announced its sales increased 15.1% to 287.5m in the first six months of the year, while EBIT soared 75.9% to 10.2m. The division Automotive Components benefited from the recovery of the automobile sector and the firm projects continuation of the strong demand in the field for the third quarter.
Hirsch Maschinenbau, part of machinery group Hirsch Servo, said it had received an order worth millions in Ghana.
Beko Holding AG said it booked a net profit of 1.2m for the first nine months of its fiscal year, compared to a loss of 720,000 a year earlier. Revenues rose 17% to 41m. The company said it had profited from its new simplified structure.
UBM Realitätenentwicklung, part of builder Porr, said its EBIT rose 11.8% to 14.2m in the first six months. Revenues however fell 7% to 50.45m. The company plans to focus on home construction in Germany and speciality retail centres in Poland in the next months of the year.


Raiffeisen Bank International said Thursday it may consider a capital increase in the next 12 months. The bank also announced a net profit of 615m for the first half of the year, up 30.3%. Operating profit fell 2.2% to 1.23bn. The bank also said that as of the end of June its exposure to the debt ridden European countries - Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Ireland, stood at 3.622bn, of which 2.26bn to Italy.
Utility EVN said its net profit grew 1.2% to 207.2m in the first three quarters of fiscal 2010/11. Sales fell 0.9% to 2.16bn. The company continues to expect an operating profit on the last year's level and a lower net profit for the full 2010/11. EVN plans to invest up to 800m by 2012 for boosting the share of its renewable energy to 50%.
Real estate company CA Immo said its net profit soared to 21.1m in the first six months of 2011, from 5m a year earlier. Rental income went up from 82.7m to 127.5m. The results were boosted by the consolidation of Europolis. The firm said it was certain that the target for divestments worth 300m and 350m for full 2011 will be achieved.
Österreichischen Volksbanken AG (ÖVAG) announced it was hit by write-downs on Greek bonds worth 24m and therefore its net profit fell to 0.5m in the first six months from 14.6m a year earlier. By the end of 2011, ÖVAG plans to sell its eastern European subsidiary VBI as well as its stake in Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB). Burdened by the write-downs and other one-offs the bank however would not be able to achieve its target for above 100m profit in the group for 2011.
Flughafen Wien said its net profit stood at 23.5m in the second quarter of 2011, up from 19.2m a year earlier. The company decided to completely write down its participation in the Friedrichshafen airport during the period.


Julian Wagner, CEO of fire-fighting vehicle maker Rosenbauer, will step down from his post as of the end of September. He will be followed by Dieter Siegel on the top. Wagner, who has headed Rosenbauer for 43 years, was accused over the last weeks of meetings for illegal price fixing with competitors.
The Korneuburg prosecutors have cancelled the proceedings against Vienna Airport's CEO Ernest Gabmann and businessman Rakesh Sardana on suspicion of breach of trust. The prosecutors found no evidence for continuation of the investigations triggered by an anonymous signal and a media report.
Crane maker Palfinger said it had completed the takeover of Russian sector company INMAN. No financial details were given.
At the same time, the saga with the corruption suspicions around Telekom Austria continued with a full force on Friday. The affair is becoming more and more complicated and I've got no time to dwell in details. After all, it's enough that I'm a client of their Bulgarian subsidiary...

понеделник, 29 август 2011 г.

Austrian chart update - 26.08

Die Österreichische Hitparade

The top three 
1. Don Omar feat. Lucenzo - Danza Kuduro (3rd week at #1)
2. Jupiter Jones - Still
3. David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium
The new entries & other important positions
4. Sak Noel - Loca People (What The F**k!) (up from 21)
15. Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger (up from 33)
16. Andreas Gabalier - I Sing A Liad Für Di (50th week in the chart)
23. Sunrise Avenue - I Don't Dance
27. DJ Ötzi - I Sing A Liad Für Dich **
(NB - As original as always, DJ Otzi has decided to remake the song at #16 (which seems enormously popular in Austria). As I couldn't find a video on YouTube, go watch the Andreas version instead)

36. Rene Rodrigezz & DJ Antoine feat. MC Yankoo - Shake 3x **
41. Marlon Roudette - New Age *
44. Sean Paul feat. Alexis Jordan - Got 2 Luv U *
51. The Black Pony - Goodbye Is Like Dying *
61. Nicki Minaj - Super Bass *
66. Pigeon John - The Bomb
69. Oh Land - Sun Of A Gun
* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

събота, 27 август 2011 г.

German chart comments - Issue date - 26.08.2011

Yes, as expected after seven weeks on the top Alexandra Stan's "Mr. Saxobeat" gives up the throne to lead the way to another summer anthem to enjoy the number one status. Thus, Lucenzo and Don Omar's "Danza Kuduro" registers its first (and, in view of the upcoming Marlon Roudette's storm, last) week on the summit in Germany. 
The top three is rounded by yet another dancefloor hit, as DJ Antoine and Timati's "Welcome To St. Tropez" finally makes it among the first three. 
There are no new entries inside the top 30 where new peaks are registered by Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night" at #15, Jennifer Lopez's "I'm Into You" at #16, the amazing Gypsy & The Cat's "Jona Vark" at #25 and Milow's grower "Little In The Middle" at #28. 
The highest new entry comes as low as #33, belonging to Sunrise Avenue. "I Don't Dance" arrives after the incredible success of "Hollywood Hills" (peak #3, this week at #31), and in such a slow week it deserved to have entered in the top 20 at least.

And the remaining new entries with videos:

46. ASP - Wechselbalg - the third single of the German rock band to ever enter the top 100
60. Oh Land - Sun Of A Gun - the first single of the Danish electropop singer in the chart
64. Medina - The One - the least performing single of yet another Danish singer in the countdown
86. Aquagen - Ihr seid so leise! 2011 (Scheisse, Scheisse leise) - the first single of the dance project in the chart since 2004. The original version was a major hit in 1999, peaking at #3 during the long gone great VIVA (and Club Rotation) days.
99. Wir sind Helden - Die Ballade von Wolfgang und Brigitte - the fourth single taken from the band's latest album should have never seen a release day...

The Album Chart

In the album chart the monstrous sales of "21", the second album of Adele continue as the singer has overtaken the number one for yet another week. The highest new entry can be found at #2, coming from the all-star collaboration between Jay-Z and Kanye West, while Swiss DJ Antoine brings his LP "Welcome To DJ Antoine" at #8. The latter sales were of course fuelled by the enormous success of single "Welcome To St. Tropez". 

петък, 26 август 2011 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from August 26

(So, by the looks of it, August will end with no detailed reviews of mine, but for your consideration here are the two (actually three) new movies, which invade our cinemas today. It's certain that Conan would be so stupid that it might actually be fun, while the arrival of an unexpected, almost cancelled Universal title, should be put in the cinema distribution registry. Be sure to check the R-rated comedy in your nearest Arena, as it will not be screened in the Cinema City chain. At the same time, the art crowd (it's an overstatement) may enjoy the Spanish curioso Room in Rome. You can expect my ratings (at least) in the next weeks.)

Конан варварина / Conan The Barbarian - (Tandem)

Размяната / The Change - up - It's extremely funny or extremely painful, depending on where you're standing with such US R-rated comedic stuff. I had a good time with it. *** (Forum Film)

Стая в Рим / Room in Rome (Spain, Limited) (Van Kris)

The ratings:
***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fine
** So-so
* Stay away

четвъртък, 25 август 2011 г.

Bulgarian Boxoffice Update - Weekend 19-21 August

Dancing on the top, the cutest way
This weekend sees three! new titles getting a broad release in the country - a real achievement for the Bulgarian distributors in the quite lazy summer season. So, the one with the biggest expectations - The Smurfs, comes unsurprisingly to the number one slot. The 3D blue adventures took 129,479 over the weekend, a decent but far from a blockbuster status result. Still, as I've said before, the Bulgarian boxoffice is mainly shaped during the cheaper weekdays, and in view of the extremely strong legs which children-targeted movies seem have, a total result of north from 500,000 is more or less a certainty for The Smurfs. The fact that Bulgarians are mostly familiar with the blue heroes, rather than with say Alvin (the first two instalments were never released in Bulgarian cinemas) or the awful Yogi Bear, a strong hold over the weeks to come is to be expected.

Hot on the success of Hangover 2, Bad Teacher and Friends with Benefits, the latest R-rated comedy arrives on our screens. Horrible Bosses, maligned by the all-too knowing Bulgarian critics and praised by many US ones, collects 37,562 over the weekend and 72,678, including previews. The excellent results show that such movies find their audience in Bulgaria, so the release of Change Up next week might actually be a clever move. 

The last new entry of the week proves another trend in Bulgaria, i.e. the fact that unlike worldwide cinema goers, horror films always stumble in the country. Thus, despite arriving in 3D and with relatively good reviews, Fright Night earns 16,300 for the weekend, a result enough for the fifth position. And as the distribution for such titles has shown in the past, the screenings of the movie will fall dramatically from this Friday (and there is the real danger that I'll might miss it because of that), expect the vampire flick to completely disappear from the chart in two weeks time. 

Last weekend's champion Cowboys & Aliens falls to #3 this week, with the passable drop of 42% and 138,640 so far - an okay result for an okay movie. 

At #4 Rise of The Planet Of The Apes shows a decrease of 50% and 191,028 so far, which means that it may end its run to the disappointing for its qualities 300,000 result. 

And the positions from six to ten come as follows:

6. Friends with benefits, drop 31%, result so far 230,304
7. Harry Potter, drop 41%, result so far 748,277
8. Captain America, drop 53%, result so far 307,948
9. Transformers, drop 39%, result so far 1,068,221
10. Cars 2, drop 71%, result so far 668,759

Three films leave the top ten this week. Being most hit by the arrival of The Smurfs, Winnie The Pooh was largely ignored by the little ones and collapses to #11. With 183,318 so far, the unpretentious movie can end its cinema run with a respectable and unexpected boxoffice. Summer behemoth Pirates 4 has cemented its status as one of the biggest movies in Bulgaria ever and left the top ten with 2,055,704 so far. Hangover 2 also says goodbye to the top ten, but with 703,119 in its pockets can also be seen as one of the most successful titles this summer, eclipsing the final result of the first instalment by a mile.

Compared to my projections, The Smurfs comes considerably close to my 150,000 projection, while Horrible Bosses misses my 45,000 expectation (including previews). At the same time Fright Night is nowhere near my forecast of 35,000.

Next weekend's projections - Conan 3D - 140,000
Change-Up - 60,000, including previews

(the used currency is Bulgarian lev, 1 lev is equal to 0.51 euros and 0.74 dollars)

понеделник, 22 август 2011 г.

Austrian chart update - 19.08

Die Österreichische Hitparade

The top three 
1. Don Omar feat. Lucenzo - Danza Kuduro (2nd week at #1)
2. Alexandra Stran - Mr. Saxobeat
3. David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium (New)
The new entries

24. Jennifer Lopez feat. Lil Wayne - I'm Into You
30. Cassandra Steen - Tanz
45. Flo Rida feat. Akon - Who Dat Girl *
60. LMFAO feat. Natalia Kills - Champagne Showers * 
66. Colbie Caillat - Brighter Than The Sun
* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff


Only the latest music videos - 22.08

Some late editions have made this week's playlist bumped up with almost 30 videos, including the latest from Lady Gaga, Jason Derulo, Kaiser Chiefs, Wretch 32, Taylor Swift, RCHP, Snow Patrol and many more...

неделя, 21 август 2011 г.

German chart comments - Issue date - 19.08.2011

The domination of Alexandra Stan in Germany continues for yet another, actually seventh week, as "Mr. Saxobeat" remains the dance anthem of top choice in the country. However, the reign of the Romanian singer is most certain to come to an end next week as Don Omar's "Danza Kuduro" intensifies its competition by rising to #2 and most probably will claim the number one title next Friday.
Video - Don Omar

The highest new entry at #8 belongs to the man of the moment (perhaps the biggest commercially successful DJ and dance producer over the last few years?) David Guetta. "Titanium" is the third offering of David's latest album (to be released on 26 August) and comes only six weeks after "Little Bad Girl" entered the countdown. As it is a tradition now, the song still has no video but that doesn't stop it from becoming Guetta's ninth top ten single in Germany. I think that if he releases all songs from his LP in this way he would make a record of top ten singles in the country... This week "Little Bad Girl" is at #10, while "Where Them Girls At" can be found at #26. We should also not forget Guetta's involvement in Snoop Dogg's "Sweat", which occupies the 19th position.

Two new peaks worth mentioning in the top 20 by Jason Derulo's "Don't Wanna Go Home" at #11 (up from #12) and of Bag Raiders' "Way Back Home" at #17 (up from #19).

The second highest new entry arrives at #19 in the form of the way too American "I'm Into You", the second single from Jennifer Lopez's current album. The song comes after J.Lo. made the world dance lambada again (or sort of) with "On The Floor" (this week at #7), which is already a frontrunner for the number one slot on the year-end chart. If you ask me "I'm Into You", with the support of Lil Wayne, has no flava to be a smash hit in Germany and its belated release doesn't help either. 

After the success of Bag Raiders, Gypsy & The Cat, another act from Australia, also finds its place in the top 100. The energizing "Jona Vark" comes new at #27, its sales also boosted by the music use on VIVA's spots. It's not that someone watches VIVA anymore (it's forbidden here in Bulgaria, but that's another matter). Last time around, the MTV-owned music channel used The Naked And Famous' "Young Blood", which reached #30 at the start of the year.   

Following the relatively poor performance of "Gebt alles" (peak #31), "Tanz", the second single of Cassandra Steen's newest album, manages a little bit better by entering (surprisingly) at #28. 

The German presence in the countdown is backed up by the new entry of Klee's "Willst du bei mir bleiben?" at #29. The single, taken from the band's fourth album, reaches the same peak as "Zwei Herzen", the best performing single of the Cologne-group from 2008.

A special note also to Martin Solveig's "Ready 2 Go", which like predecessor "Hello", is slowly month after month burning its way up the chart and this week makes a new peak at #45.

The remaining new entries with videos:
60 Dorfrocker - Auf der Alm
72 Lenny Kravitz - Stand
80 Auletta - Make Love Work
81 Big Time Rush - Worldwide
89 Lovers Electric - Beating Like A Drum
94 Evanescence - What You Want

The Album Chart
So Amy Winehouse has actually made it, three weeks after her "Back To Black" album returned to the top three of the charts, it managed to overcome the schlager and German rap competition and to reach the summit once again after its initial success back in 2008. The only new entry in the top 10 comes at #8 in the face of "In Waves", the latest album of US trash metal band Trivium.

Austria's Top Economic News - Week 15-21 August - Die Deutsche Version

(Note: unless otherwise stated, the used currency is EUR, while all comparisons are on an annual basis)

Montag - Mariä Himmelfahrt - Feiertag


Die österreichische Immobiliengesellschaft Atrium European Real Estate Limited veröffentlichte am Dienstag ein EBITDA von 55.8m im ersten Halbjahr, damit einen Aufstieg von 12% gegenüber der selben Periode des Vorjahres. Die Bruttomieteinnahme stiegen um 14.5% auf 85.1m. Der Vorstand des Unternehmens blieb vorsichtig für die Zukunft.
Der Impfstoffspezialist Intercell meldete, dass seine Erlöse um 27.5% auf 18.38m in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres zugenommen haben. Der Verlust war um 44.2% auf 12.9% reduziert. Die Firma rechnet mit einem Aufstieg von 60% bis zu 70% beim Umsatz für das ganze 2011, während man einen Verlust von zwischen 30m und 40m erwartet.
Der Fondsanbieter C-Quadrat sagte am Dienstag, dass sein Gewinn in den ersten zwei Quartalen von 8.5m auf 1.9m gefallen ist. Der Umsatz gab von 29.6m auf 27m nach, während die Erlöse von Performance Fees um 43% stiegen. Das Unternehmen sagte dazu, dass es gut positioniert für den Rest des Jahres ist.
Der Faserhersteller Lenzing teilte mit, dass er seine neue Produktlinie in China startete. Die Linie wird die jährliche Kapazität von Viskosefasern mit 60,000 Tonnen erhöhen.
Trenkwalder International, der größte Personalanbieter Österreichs, wird einen Börsengang mittelfristig einführen, sagte deutsche Droege International, der neue Eigentümer der Firma, am Dienstag.  
Der Aufsichtsrat der Telekom Austria entschied am Dienstag eine Schadenersatzklage gegen ehemalige Manager Rudolf Fischer und Gernot Schieszler zu erheben. Die beide Manager werden wegen angeblichen Kursmanipulationen in 2004, die in Bonibezahlungen resultierten, angeklagt. Der Aufsichtsrat will auch die Rückzahlung von den Boni erfordern. Der aktuelle Vorstandschef Hannes Ametsreiter, der Marketingsvorstand damals war, will seine Boni von 92,000 freiwillig zurückgeben.


Die Telekom Austria veröffentlichte am Mittwoch ein EBIT von 42.7m für die erste sechs Monaten des Jahres, was einen Rückgang von 85.8% gegenüber dem Vorjahr ist. Der Umsatz sank um 2.9% auf 2.227bn. Die Leistung war von regulatorischen Hürden, den wirtschaftlichen Konditionen und dem strengen Wettbewerb belastet. Angesichts Wechselkurseffekte in Weißrussland sank Telekom Austria ihre Erwartungen für das ganze Jahr zu 4.5bn beim Umsatz und zu 1.55bn beim bereinigten EBITDA. Allerdings behielt die Firma ihre Pläne für eine Dividende von 0.76 für 2011 und 2012.
Der Ziegelhersteller Wienerberger erhöhte seinen Umsatz um 19% auf 985.7m im ersten Halbjahr. Das Unternehmen verbuchte wegen Aktientauscheffekte einen Nettogewinn von 37.5m gegenüber einem Verlust von 39.4m. Der Wienerberger rechnet mit kräftigen Steigerungen beim EBITDA in dem ganzen Jahr. Das Unternehmen teilte auch mit, dass es keine konkrete Übernahmepläne derzeit hat.
Der Kartonspezialist Mayr-Melnhof sagte am Mittwoch dass sein Umsatz um 14.5% auf 988.2m in den ersten zwei Quartalen des Jahres gestiegen ist. Das EBIT legte um 19.5% auf 92.7m zu, während der Nettogewinn um 30.9% auf 64m stieg.
Die Immobiliengesellschaft conwert Immobilien Invest meldete einen Nettogewinn von 8.02m für die erste sechs Monaten des Jahres, einen Rückgang von 33%. Die Erlöse legte um 71.1% auf das Rekordvolumen von 373.1m. Die Firma behielt seinen Ausblick für 2011.
Der Maschinenanlagenhersteller Binder+Co erhöhte seinen Umsatz um 31% auf 33.59m, während sein EBIT um 35% auf 3.03m stieg.
Unter alle Finanzergebnisse am Mittwoch erschien auch die Nachricht für die österreichische Teuerung in Juli. Die Inflation in Österreich war 3.5% im vorigen Monat und damit liegt auf dem höchsten Niveau seit September 2008. Die Inflation war von den Preisen von Treibstoffen und Lebensmitteln getragen. Die Euro-Zone harmonisierte Index stand auf 3.8% in Juli.
Die regionale Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg, oder BTV, teilte am Mittwoch mit, dass ihr Gewinn nach Steuern um 14.9% auf 31.6m in den ersten zwei Quartalen des Jahres gestiegen ist. Die Bank hat auch die Schwelle von 6bn bei Krediten für das erste Mal überschrittenen hat. 


Die oberösterreichische Stahlgruppe Voestalpine sagte am Donnerstag, dass ihr Umsatz um 19.4% auf 3.05bn in dem ersten Quartal des 2011/12 Fiskaljahres gestiegen ist. Der Gewinn nach Steuern erhöhte sich um 73.1% auf 209.6m. Die Voestalpine profitierte wie zuvor von der guten Nachfrage an ihren Märkte. Die Linzfirma rechnet noch mit einer kräftigen Steigerung bei den Ergebnissen für das ganze Jahre.
Der Brandbekämpfungsfahrzeughersteller Rosenbauer hat einen Auftrag von USD42.9m für die Lieferung von 80 Panthers zu Infraero Aeroports in Brasilien gewonnen.
Die Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment veröffentlichte am Donnerstag einen Umsatz von 194.4m für das erste Halbjahr - einen Aufstieg von 52% gegenüber der Vorjahresperiode. Der Nettogewinn stieg um 204% auf 23.6m. Die Firma erwartet die Nachfrage für Öl und Gas hoch zu bleiben und damit ihre Ergebnisse zu erhöhen.
Die Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) teilte einen Periodenüberschuss von 230.5m in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres mit - eine Zunahme von 9.5%. Die Prämien der Versicherungsgesellschaft stiegen um 3.1% auf 4.729bn. Die Ergebnissen waren von der Aufwärtstrende bei Lebensversicherung in CEE beeinflusst. Für das ganze Jahre rechnet die VIG mit einem Aufstieg von 10% im Vorsteuergewinn und mit einer Zunahme bei den Prämieneinnahme in der niedrigen Prozentbereich.
Die IT Firma Brain Force sagte, dass ihre Erlöse um 3% auf 52.25m in den ersten drei Quartalen ihres Fiskaljahres gefallen sind. Das Unternehmen verbuchte ein EBIT von 0.35m, gegenüber einem Gewinn von 1.09m ein Jahr davor. Die Brain Force erwartet eine positive Geschäftsentwicklung in den nächsten Monaten.
Die Sanochemia Pharmazeutika teilte am Donnerstag mit, dass ihr Nettogewinn in den ersten neun Monaten des Fiskaljahres bei knapp 11,000 lag. Die Firma hat einen Verlust von 328,000 in der Vorjahresperiode. Der Umsatz nahm um zirka 10% auf 23m zu.
Der österreichische Caterer Do & Co sagte, dass er von der guten Entwicklung ihrer Airline Catering Aktivitäten profitiert hat. Der Umsatz der Firma stieg um 14.5% auf 116.9m in den ersten drei Monaten des Fiskaljahres. Das EBIT erhöhte sich um 41.1% auf 6.8m.
Der Mauttechnologiespezialist Efkon, eine Tochter von Strabag, meldete einen neue Auftrag in Südafrika.


Die Österreichische Post AG teilte am Freitag mit, dass ihr EBIT um 9.1% auf 81.3m für die erste sechs Monaten des Jahres erhöhte. Der Umsatz stieg um 2.9% auf 1.138bn, während der Überschuss um 14.7% auf 62m zunahm. Die Post AG rechnet mit einem Umsatzaufstieg von 2.9% für das ganze Jahr. Nur registrierten die Filialaktivitäten negative Tendenzen im ersten Halbjahr, sagte die Firma hinzu.
Die BKS Bank, ein Teil von der 3 Bankengruppe, veröffentlichte einen Nettogewinn von 21.9m für das erste zwei Quartalen des Jahres - einen Aufstieg von 19.6m in der Vorjahresperiode. Die Risikoprovisionen der Bank gab um 3.3m nach.
Die Linz Textil sagte am Freitag, dass ihr Umsatz um 23% auf 88.1m in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres zulegte. Der Gewinn nach Steuern erhöhte sich auf 5.7m von 2.9m. Die Firma erwartet eine herausfordernde Zukunft mit reserviertem Privatkonsum.
Die C.A.T. Oil AG sagte am Freitag sie zwei Aufträge in Russland für zirka 70m gewonnen hat. Damit stieg die Buchlage des Unternehmens auf 239m.

Austria's Top Economic News - Week 15 - 21 August

(Note: unless otherwise stated, the used currency is EUR, while all comparisons are on an annual basis)

Monday - Assumption of the Virgin Mary - Public Holiday


Atrium European Real Estate Limited reported on Tuesday EBITDA of 55.8m for the first half of 2011, up 12%. Gross rental income rose 14.5% to 85.1m. The company's management said it remains cautious regarding the business outlook.
Vaccine producer Intercell said its first-half sales rose 27.5% to 18.38m, while the net loss was reduced by 44.2% to 12.9m. The firm projects sales to rise by 60% to 70% for full 2011, while the net loss to stand at between 30m and 40m.
Asset management firm C-Quadrat said its profit collapsed to 1.9m in the first six months of the year from 8.5m a year earlier. Revenues fell to 27m from 29.6m, while revenues from performance fees rose 43%. The company said it sees itself well positioned for the remainder of the year.
Fibre producer Lenzing said it has started with the launch of its new production line in China, which will boost the annual capacity by 60,000 tonnes of viscose fibres.
Trenkwalder International, Austria's biggest recruitment services provider, will launch an IPO in the medium term, its new owner, German Droege International, said Tuesday.
The supervisory board of Telekom Austria decided on Tuesday to launch a claim for damages against former managers Rudolf Fischer and Gernot Schieszler due to the escalating scandal related to received bonus payments in 2004 after a manipulation of the company's price on the stock exchange. The board is also demanding the return of the bonuses. Current CEO Hannes Ametsreiter, who was marketing head back then, has declared his willingness to return the received additional payment of 92,000.


Telekom Austria reported on Wednesday its EBIT collapsed 85.8% to 42.7m in the first six months of the year. Sales decreased 2.9% to 2.227bn. The performance was explained with regulatory effects, the economic conditions and the tough competition. In view of currency exchange devaluation in Belarus, the company has to reduce its full-year forecast to 4.5bn in sales and 1.55bn in adjusted EBITDA. However, Telekom Austria retained its dividend forecast for 0.76 per share for 2011 and 2012.
Brick maker Wienerberger raised its first half sales 19% to 985.7m. The firm returned to a net profit of 37.5m, compared to a loss of 39.4m a year earlier due to a share swap effect. Wienerberger said it expects a considerable improvement in full-year EBITDA. The company also announced it has no concrete takeover plans at the time being.
Cardboard specialist Mayr-Melnhof said on Wednesday its first-half sales rose 14.5% to 988.2m, while EBIT grew 19.5% to 92.7m. The net profit stood at 64m, up by 30.9%.
Real estate company conwert Immobilien Invest announced a net profit of 8.2m for the first six months of 2011, a fall of 33%. Revenues rose 71.1% to a record-high of 373.1m. The company retained its outlook for 2011.
Machinery group Binder+Co increased its sales 31% to 33.59m in the first six months of the year, while EBIT rose 35% to 3.03m. 
Among all financial figures released on Wednesday, it also became clear that the country's inflation rate stood at 3.5% for July 2011, the highest level since September 2008. The inflation rate was boosted by fuel and food prices. Under the harmonised euro-zone index, the rate came in at 3.8%.
Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg, or BTV, said on Wednesday its first half net profit rose 14.9% to 31.6m. The bank has also crossed the 6bn threshold in terms of credits for the first time ever.


Steel major Voestalpine said on Thursday its first quarter sales rose 19.4% to 3.05bn in fiscal 2011/12. The company's net profit skyrocketed by 73.1% to 209.6m. Voestalpine said it had continued to benefit from the consistent demand in its main customer industries. The Linz-based company still projects a considerable increase in its earnings for full 2011/12.
Firefighting vehicle maker Rosenbauer has won a USD42.9m order for the delivery of 80 Panther vehicles to Infraero Aeroports in Brazil.
Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment announced its sales rose 52% to 194.4m in the first six months of 2011, while net profit soared 204% to 23.6m. The firm projects the demand for oil and gas to remain high in the second half of the year and thus to trigger the demand for SBO's offerings.
Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) reported a net profit of 230.5m for the first six months of 2011, up 9.5%. Its premium income written grew 3.1% to 4.729bn. The results were boosted by the upward trend in life insurance in the company's core CEE markets. VIG projects a 10% rise in pretax profit and growth in premiums in the lower percentage range for full 2011.
IT company Brain Force said its revenues came in at 52.25m in the first three quarters of its 2010/11 fiscal year, down 3% on the year. The company booked EBIT of 0.35m, compared to a loss of 1.09m a year earlier. Brain Force expects a positive development for the next few months.
Sanochemia Pharmazeutika posted a net profit of just 11,000 for the first nine months of its fiscal year, compared to a loss of 328,000 a year earlier. Sales grew by one tenth to 23m.
Catering company Do & Co said it had profited from the good development of the Airline Catering field and registered sales of 116.9m for the first quarter of fiscal 2011/12, up 14.5%. The company's EBIT grew 41.1% to 6.8m.
Toll technology company Efkon, owned by building major Strabag, revealed on Thursday a new contract in South Africa.


Österreichische Post AG reported on Friday a 9.1% increase in EBIT to 81.3m for the first six months of 2011. Sales rose 2.9% to 1.138bn and net profit grew 14.7% to 62m. Post AG projects a sales increase of 2.9% for full 2011. Only the branch network activities showed signs of negative sales trends in the first six months, the company added.
BKS Bank, part of the 3 Bankengruppe, said its net profit rose to 21.9m in the first six months of 2011 from 19.6m a year earlier. Risk provisions were reduced by 3.3m.
Linz Textil announced its sales grew 23% to 88.1m in the first six months of the year, while net profit went up to 5.7m from 2.9m. The company expects challenging future burdened by restrained private consumption.
C.A.T. Oil AG said on Friday it had won two orders in Russia with a total value of almost 70m. Thus, the company's order backlog has risen to 239m.

петък, 19 август 2011 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from August 19

Reviews due when I catch the movies in the cinemas. (There may be more detailed reviews, if I find the time to write them...)

Нощта на ужасите / Fright Night 3D - Scary and funny as all good horror movies should be. It lacks all the necessary ingredients to be a stand-out movie though. ***1/2 (Forum Film)

Шефове гадняри / Horrible Bosses - Another solid proof that it's the summer of the R-rated comedies, it's stupid and funny, though overlooked at places - *** 1/2  (Alexandra)

Смърфовете / The Smurfs 3D - Better than Yogi Bear, kids will adore it, adults will find one or two funny moments, but the slapstick and the sugar plot don't elevate the genre to anything new. **1/2


The ratings:
***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fine
** So-so
* Stay away

вторник, 16 август 2011 г.

Bulgarian Boxoffice Update - Weekend 12-14 August

Enlightening the boxoffice, sort of
Another week and another number one and once again with disappointing numbers. As the holiday season hits its peak in Bulgaria, don't expect many people to prefer the chillness of the cinema halls to the sands and sea breeze. Thus, Cowboys and Aliens storms the chart, debuting with BGN 38,485 over the weekend, and BGN 73,965 including previews. The result, only boosted by IMAX 2D offerings, is a notch behind last week's debut of Rise of the Planet of the Apes of BGN 48,508. I still have to catch up with the Craig-Ford team-up, which, in the best cases, is attracting mixed reviews, but its results, for a movie starring Indiana Jones, are, let's face it, quite underwhelming. 

Speaking of the Apes, this week the movie steps back to number two with a decent fall of 32%, and now has BGN 147,300 on its account - not a bad figure considering its slow start a week earlier. 

Further down the top ten, the best holds are once again shown by the animated movies and at #3 Cars 2 even inches up by 1% with BGN 646,810 in its reservoir so far. Winnie The Pooh can be found at #7, with a decrease of just 18% and BGN 164,909 totally - a result, as I repeatedly say, no one has expected. 

At #4 and #5, two disturbing falls of Friends with Benefits (down 45% and BGN 193,492 so far) and Captain America (down 50% and BGN 276,549).

At #6 the last Potter movie retreats with the good 34%, conjuring BGN 715,798 in Bulgaria so far. At the same time Transformers 3, Hangover 2 and Pirates 4 occupy the positions eight to ten with total numbers of  BGN 1,047,389; BGN 694,583 and BGN 2,049,039, respectively.

This week Diaz's Bad Teacher leaves the top ten with the rather A result of BGN 428,474 - a figure well enough for a complete makeover...

Compared to my last week's projections, Cowboys and Aliens came somewhat below my BGN 100,000 forecast. 

Next weekend's projections:

Smurfs 3D - BGN 150,000
Fright Night - BGN 35,000
Horrible Bosses - BGN 45,000, including previews
(1 BGN = 0.74 USD = 0.51 EUR)

Only the latest music videos - 15.08

The latest influx of new videos comes headed by Aquagen (remember them?), Foster The People, the lady power of Sugababes, The Saturdays, Jessie J & Melanie C, plus a double treat by Kim Wilde. So, why are you so leise ;)


понеделник, 15 август 2011 г.

Austrian chart update - 12.08

Die Österreichische Hitparade

The top three 
1. Don Omar feat. Lucenzo - Danza Kuduro (1st week at #1)
2. Alexandra Stran - Mr. Saxobeat
3. Lady Gaga - The Edge of Glory

The new entries

29. Casper - So perfekt 
36. Sak Noel - Loca People (What The F**k!) *
41. Lenny Kravitz - Stand *
44. Beyonce - Best Thing I Never Had
59. Britney Spears - I Wanna Go
68. Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger *

* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

петък, 12 август 2011 г.

German chart comments - Issue date - 12.08.2011

After a relatively busy few weeks, the German singles market has once again come to a hold as we have only three new entries and dozens of songs keeping their positions from last Friday. 

Thus, Alexandra Stan marks a sixth week on the top with her "Mr. Saxobeat", while Tim Bendzko and Don Omar & Lucenzo once again round up the top three. 

In its 19th week in the countdown DJ Antoine vs. Timatti's dance anthem "Welcome to St. Tropez" enters the top five for a first time, peaking at #4 this week. 
Just outside the top 10 former UK-number one "Don´t wanna go home" by Jason Derulo rises by only a slot but still makes a new peak at #12. 

A position below, new German star Casper brings his first single to the top 100. "So perfekt" comes hot on the success of Casper's debut album which reached #1 several weeks ago. Though a different music genre, the good performance of Casper, next to that of Tim Bendzko and Andreas Bourani, clearly shows that male solo artists performing in German are definitely on demand this year.

After "Run the World (Girls)", the first single from Beyonce's current album "4", was not allowed to chart in Germany (probably to avoid the registry of a complete flop in the chart archive), "Best thing I never had", the second offering, enters at #29. Though the better single, its performance is still a far cry from the mega success of previous hits such as "Halo" (peak #5) and "If I Were A Boy" (peak #3). Perhaps something has gone wrong with her material this time around...

A peak worth mentioning can be found at #33, belonging to dance project Milk & Sugar. Having in mind the slow climbing of dance hits in 2011, could we expect that "Hi-a ma (Pata pata)" will be in the top 10 in three months time?

The other new entry is at #64 in the shape of "Damage is done" by Dante "Miss California" Thomas. After his most famous hit reached number one in 2001, it is still strange, and all the same pleasant, to see the US singer having top 100 singles in Germany - a feat many one-hit wonders may only be envy of...

Oh, and let's not forget that last week's new entry of "Wie weit wir gehen" by Broilers at #28 has completely vanished from the countdown. It would have been a record, if "Harter Weg", the band's first ever single to chart several months ago, has not done exactly the same... What is the problem here?

The Album Chart 

In the album chart veteran German rapper Samy Deluxe succeeds in scoring his first ever number one album, as "SchwarzWeiss" arrives straight at the summit. All his three previous studio albums have reached the top three. Amy Winehouse's "Back in Black" occupies once the #2, while German band Jennifer Rostock's "Mit Haut und Haar" comes new at #4, a position behind Adele's "21". 

In Bulgarian Cinemas from August 12

(For holiday reasons any movie reviews in August will be delayed.)
Каубои и извънземни / Cowboys and Aliens - Corny, predictable but somehow clicks together *** (full review soon). (Forum Film)


The ratings:
***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fine
** So-so
* Stay away

New on DVD/Blu-Ray in Bulgaria in July 2011

Film of the month
As there is some controversy/confusion (delete as appropriate) regarding the matter who exactly is releasing the Warner titles in Bulgaria, here is the official release schedule of A+, while beneath it you'll find some of the Warner titles which I've seen in the shops over the last month.

New on Blu-Ray/DVD

127 Часа (127 Hours) - A knock-out performance from James Franco and an exquisitely made movie by Danny Boyle -- now a true master of his craft ****1/2

New on Blu-Ray:

Черен лебед (Black Swan) - A true masterpiece for the new decade. Haunting! *****
Пришълецът (Alien) - A classic - *****
Пришълците (Aliens) - Two times a classic - *****
Пришълецът 3 (Alien 3) - Fucked up, but still has its moments - ***1/2
Пришълецът: Завръщането (Alien: Resurrection) - You have the other three, so you must own the lesser one too ***
Правилният избор (All the Right Moves) - Coming from the early Tom Cruise years, it's only for the most passionate fans ***


Генезис (Inception) - Complicated, meticulously incepted & sublime - *****
С мръсна газ (Drive Angry) - Poor, as all Nic Cage movies lately are - **
Шерлок Холмс (Shrelock Holmes) - Downey Jr. and Law definitely know how to have fun -****

The ratings:
***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fun
** So-so
* Stay away

сряда, 10 август 2011 г.

Bulgarian Boxoffice Update - Weekend 5-7 August

(or what's hot and what's not in the peculiar world of the Bulgarian cinemas)

(Off Topic!!! - In a curious twist in distribution policy, Universal's "The Change-Up" will actually see the light of Bulgaria's cinema halls, hopefully Bridesmaids will be next)

No one's gonna stop me from conquering the BG boxoffice
Though far from the boxoffice success in the USA, the Bulgarian audience also brought the rather brilliant The Rise of The Planet of The Apes to the number one slot in the country. The result of above BGN 48,000 is unspectacular but unsurprising as The Rise of The Planet of The Apes is actually a movie with zero star power, tough premise for a sale to the always picky BG viewers and worst of all comes in no 3D. Still, in view of the past achievements of the distributor, expect the film to have good legs over the next weeks.

Losing some 48% of its super powers, Captain America retreats to #2 this weekend, with a total of BGN 207,954 so far, while, just to prove for yet another time that cinema goers prefer comedies to escape from the tough BG reality (yes, I'm a little bit ironic today), Friends With Benefits falls by mere 24% and has BGN 127,920 in its account so far.

Slowing down on its downward path, Harry Potter decreased by 38% and now can congratulate itself with a total of BGN 664,888. 

At #5 Cars 2 even rises by 9% and boasts BGN 606,145 so far, cementing further its status as the most successful Pixar movie in the country. It is followed by fellow Disney production, Winnie The Pooh, which has earned BGN 129,098 - a great achievement for the title's distributor in Bulgaria. 

At #7 Transformers 3 has finally crossed the BGN 1m barrier, becoming by far the biggest Paramount hit in the newest Bulgarian cinema history. 

A position behind, Bad Teacher is steadily marching towards the BGN 500,000 mark, with BGN 419,167 so far, while The Hangover 2 stands at #9 with BGN 683,326 in its bottle. The top ten is wrapped up by Pirates 4, with the blockbuster having BGN 2,036,794 in Bulgaria so far.

This week Mr. Popper's Penguins says its farewell to the top 10 in its sixth week on the chart. The family movie has collected BGN 151,259 so far - a "so so" result for a Jim Carrey vehicle.

Compared to my last week projections, The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes came with BGN 30,000 below my forecast of BGN 80,000.

Next weekend's projections:
Cowboys and Aliens - BGN 100,000, including previews 
(BGN 1 = USD 0.74 = EUR 0.51)

Only the latest music videos - 8.08

The latest videos this week come with the star presence of Sash!, Kate Ryan, Pixie Lott, Rascal Flatts, Katy B and even Andreas Gabalier. Just bring out the beer and those dancing shoes...

Austria's Top Economic News - Week 1-7 August - Die Deutsche Version


Die österreichische Arbeitslosigkeit setzte ihre fallende Tendenzen auch in Juli fort. Die Zahl der Arbeitslose sank gegenüber Juli 2010 um 10,839 auf 262,904.
Am Montag berichtete die Tageszeitung Österreich, dass der pakistanische Investor Alshair Fiyaz der dritte Interessante für die Übernahme der insolventen A-Tec Gruppe ist. 


Es gab keine wichtige Nachrichten am Dienstag. Eine Sprecherin der OeVAG sagte der APA (die Austria Presse Agentur), dass die Bank noch über offene Aspekte des Verkaufs ihres osteuropäischen Tochter VBI zu russischen Sberbank verhandelte. Die Sprecherin verriet keine Einzelheiten der Transaktion. 


Der österreichische Autozulieferer Polytec teilte am Mittwoch mit, dass seine Erlöse um 11% auf EUR 405.4m in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres gestiegen sind. Wegen der guten Konditionen in der Automobilindustrie wuchs das EBIT auf EUR 29m von EUR3m.
Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG (VKW) sagte, dass ihr Gewinn nach Steuern um EUR 2.16m auf EUR 17.07m in dem ersten Halbjahr zurückgegangenen ist. Die Ergebnisse waren von dem Schneearmenwinter und den niedrigen Wasservolumen.
Das Immobiliengesellschaft Immofinanz hat seine Umstrukturierung erfolgreich geschlossen. Die Firma beendete das 2010/11 Fiskaljahr mit einem Nettogewinn von EUR 313.5m, ein Aufstieg von 60.3%. Das EBIT erhöhte sich um 134% auf EUR 424.1m. Immofinanz plant eine Dividende von EUR 0.10 je Aktie. 


Der österreichische Feuerfestmaterialhersteller RHI meldete am Donnerstag, dass sein Umsatz auf EUR 850.9m im ersten Halbjahr von EUR 740.7m gestiegen ist. Das EBIT sank allerdings auf EUR 69.2m von EUR 70.3m, während der Nettogewinn mit EUR 49m stabil blieb. Die Finanzergebnisse sind höher als die Analystenerwartungen. Die Firma rechnet mit dem gleichen Umsatzvolumen im zweiten Halbjahr.
Teak Holz International veröffentlichte einen Neunmonateumsatz von EUR 1.11m, einen Aufstieg von EUR 437,000 gegenüber einem Jahr davor. Das Geschäft des Unternehmens war durch das Wachstum der Teakbäume betroffen.
Die Verhandlungen zwischen Österreich und die Vereinigte Arabische Emirate über mehr Flugrechte für Emirates Airlines waren ergebnislos am Donnerstag beendet. Die Seiten planen die Gespräche im Herbst fortzusetzen. Die Austrian Airlines bekämpft sehr kräftig mehr Flugrechte für ihren Mitbewerber. 


Die österreichische Best Water Technology (BWT) veröffentlichte am Freitag einen Umsatz von EUR 243.5m in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres, ein Aufstieg von 5.7% gegenüber der selben Periode des letzten Jahres. Das EBIT der Firma ging um 11.7% auf EUR 17.9m nach. Der Nettogewinn sank auf EUR 10.8m von EUR 14.5m. Die BWT rechnet mit einem Umsatz von EUR 470m für das ganze Jahr.
Laut Nachrichten von rumänischen Medien unterbreitet die Erste Group ein Angebot für die Übernahme der Aktien der Minderheitsaktionären ihrer rumänischen Tochter BCR. Die Minderheitsaktionären halten zirka 30.1% in BCR.
Die IT-Firma S&T, die derzeit in Schwierigkeiten ist, meldete am Freitag einen Umsatzrückgang von 18% auf EUR 65.2m für das zweite Quartal des Jahres. Der EBIT-Verlust stieg auf EUR 3.5m von EUR 2.5m. Die Firma sagte, dass die Restrukturierungskosten bleiben hoch und die Marktkonditionen sind noch schwierig.